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Janesville Union

Elementary School
Contact Information

Contact Information

If you every have any questions, comments or concerns that you wish to share with me you may contact me in various ways to set up an appointment. You can reach me during school hours through the Remind App, Email, or by phone.
High Frequency Word Lists by Week

High Frequency Word Lists by Week

Welcome to Fantastic First Grade in Room 113

Clever Login

Access all classroom programs from home with Clever!
Clever Login

Information about Clever

Information about Clever

What is Clever

Clever is a single sign-on program that allows students to log into one place and then have access to all of their academic programs in one place. Or that is the general idea. Some programs we use, such as Teach Your Monster to Read, will still ask students to put in a password when they want to use this program. More information about this can be found in the Programs We Use tab. 

Logging into Clever

  1. Click the blue Clever button above
  2. You will be directed to a sign-in page as shown.
  3. Students can login 2 ways.
    • In class, students use a badge with a QR code to login. To do this, click on the blue Clever Badge log on button on the right.
    • Students can also login using with google. To do this, click next to the Google G on the left.
  4. I will be sending your child's QR code AND google login so that families can choose either option.
Clever Login QR code
  1. If you choose the google option, you can then log in like you would any google account. The email will be your child's and then the password will be sent to you in Remind. 
  2. If you choose to use the QR Code, you must have a webcam and enable access to it so that clever can use the webcam to scan the badge. 
Cartoon Hand holding up a smart device

Navigating Clever

  1. Once logged in, the user will be instantly directed to their portal. On this page you will find district programs and other fun websites that are open for all learners at Janesville School. 
  2. To access the programs we use in our classroom, click the Teacher Pages Button at the top of the website as shown. 
  3. Here, you will have access to all of the programs we use throughout the week. More detailed info about these programs can be found in the Programs We Use tab. 
small Cartoon woman reading a book while sitting on a large mushroom

Programs We Use

Here is a list of our programs:
Program How to log in Skills 
Amplify Click the App, no additional steps Reading skills taught through interactive games, tasks and lessons. We use this program regularly during focus learning.
McGraw Hill Click the App, no additional steps Reading and other English Language Arts. This program has games, sight words, and stories for students to access. Students may need help navigating this program as we do not use it regularly.
Moby Max Click the App, no additonal steps All subjects - this program is used as a free choice after Amplify time during focus learning. There are lessons and students earn game time for completing lessons and passing skills.
Teach Your Monster to Read
Click the app. 
Username: (student's name all lowercase)
password: (4 digit library number)
Reading Foundational Skills - This is a very interactive program that teaches foundational reading skills while trying to build a rocket ship. Students use this program frequently and can log in independently.
Happy Numbers
Click the app, no additional steps 
*If the program does ask for a password, it is the 4-digit library number.
Mathematics - another interactive game program that gives students math lessons and practice to go along with the skill being taught. 
ABC Mouse
Click the app, no additional steps 
Fun time program that covers ELA and Math as well as many other skills. This is a fun friday program that students use in the computer lab and during choice time on Fridays.
Click the app, no additional steps
Movement program that plays songs, teaches dances, breathing exercises, as well many other activities that include movement. Very fun and the students love this program. We use it as a class usually, but now students can access it at home too.